Monday, October 6, 2008

This Week's Game You Should Have Bought: Duke Nukem 3-D XBLA

Freakin' hell yeah. Hail to the King baby. I don't even know why you are wasting your time reading this when you should be paying this. Face it, we will never see another Duke Nukem game again...not when so much has already happened during it's development.

Back in the day, there was DOOM and Duke Nukem. The difference being Doom had demons and Duke had strippers. And a kick ass attitude. Whereas in Doom you only heard the Marine grunt, in Duke Nukem, Duke is a mouthy SUMBITCH. The game play is the same. Run around, pick up weapon, shoot. Repeat. But man is it satisfying! Check it out! Only 800 MS POINTS!

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