Monday, March 23, 2009

Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV
Xbox 360, PS3

Right off the bat, I am going to tell you that I am a huge Street Fighter fan so this will be a little less objective than usual. I am also going to tell you that will be the last baseball reference I make in this review.

It's been a long time coming, but THE fighting game is back. And one is quickly reminded why the Street Fighter games are like the Led Zepplin of the genre. It's nothing new. If you have ever played a Street Fighter will be right at home. HADUKEN!!!

But it is new. New in design, new in flavor, new in...well, its new. And I love it. Nowadays the fighting game has become an afterthought in the industry, and this game reminds us why we fawned over them in the 90s soooo much.

And this is from a guy who even played Shaq-Fu.

New characters? Yes...and they are all good. Old characters? Yes, and they are just as good as you remember. Tight controls and a fantastic combo system make this game an instant classic.

The only real problem isnt with the game itself, but the controller. I highly recommend getting an arcade stick, especially if you are going to take on other players online.

Get this game.

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