Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Guitar Hero: Metallica

I will make this one short.

This is a game worth buyin.

Guitar Hero games are kinda hard to review, because Guitar Hero set the standard. To date, there has not been a bad GH game. Rock Band is fantastic, but its the SAME people who made Guitar there is little room to weigh either against.

But GH: Metallica takes the "music sim" game to a new level. Flawless execution. Perfect presentation. As a life long fan of Metallica, this is as close to the "Might MET" experience as you can get without seeing them live.

Whereas GH: Aerosmith took you on a journey through the band's career, GH: Metallica just throws you into the band. The opening of the game gives you goose bumps, because it re-creates the band's concert openings, Ecstasy of Gold and all. The four band members approach the stage in Micheal Bay the credits flash, and as Ecstasy of Gold ends, the logo comes up. I was expecting to be taken to the Main Menu, but that is not Metallica's style. As the logo fades ( to black), up comes the guitar highway and you hear DONG. And then you are playing FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS. No screwing around with lesser songs or bands. This is Metallica and they have come to kick your ass.

From then on, you play the role of Metallica's opening act, each set peppered with bands that Metallica likes and have influenced them. Then you get 3-4 Metallica songs in which you are THEY. 'TALLICA!

And there are sooooo many extras. Just like GH: World Tour, you can create a rocker, and make a guitar. You can unlock the bands actual equipment. From James white SO WHAT guitar to Kirk's Spider Guitar. They are all there.

If you are already a GH fan, this is a no brainer. If you are a Metallica fan, this is a no brainer. If you are looking to catch on to the craze...this is a GREAT example of a well crafted game.

Get it and Ride The Lightning!

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